Full inspection

This service is part of Peak Performance.

Pearl will conduct a full assessment and identify key target areas that can be enhanced to strengthen your foundation for success. You will receive a personalized roadmap of recommended services based on the messages she receives in each focus area:

  • In-depth review of your life "blueprint". Are there any areas that could be "re-drawn" to support your goals

  • Assess your chakras and isolate energy blocks that could be released to allow you to reach the next level of success

  • Connect with your higher-self to learn if there are elements impeding your ability to access your life purpose

  • Connect with your past lives to provide insight into where you have been and identify opportunities to release burdens that have accumulated from past lives and no longer serve you in this one

  • Assess the energy in your home(s) and workplace(s) to determine if an energetic cleanse is required to lift burdensome remnant energies

  • Assess your primary human connections including your connection with your pets (if any) to identify personal dynamics that could be improved to support your performance

  • Review your human self's health and nutritional needs and identify opportunities to harness your strengths

$150 of this price can be used toward the purchase price of your next service.

This service includes optional 30 minutes phone consultation.

What clients say